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...and the Heavens opened up briefly...


What's the cliché ...a picture is worth a thousand words. I took this last Wednesday night after we got a little rain. Picture taken facing west. If I turned 180 degree's I could see the smoke trail of destruction as the the Boundary Fire made it's it's run towards Boundary Creek...what a difference a rotation makes.

This morning we got word that there was "a spot" burning by Boundary Creek and that the fire fighters stationed there were going to put it out. Just before Noon, we get word that a helicopter was heading towards Boundary Creek and filling buckets out of our pond...again.

I had two conflicting thought patterns going on at that moment. One was oh no, our poor pond after we just got it cleaned up...the other, much more pragmatic, was "great" the USFS is willing to re-establish a direct attack on this fire where they can control it. That's the question now isn't it? Where can they control it?

The Boundary Fire is now categorized as a Level 3, downgraded from yesterday's Level 4.

You can see the light smoke from the small flare up in today's picture from the ranch.

Inbound Helicopter (assuming it's USFS) for landing so I best be on my way to see what's happening around the corner.

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